Legend Seven
For the new Legend Seven Taphouse & Brewery in Calgary’s Barley Belt, the design team aimed to create a space that was a foundation for the brewery’s brand, which is rooted in story telling around mythical legends. The goal was to uphold traditional and historical references through functional materiality. The craft of brewing – a tradition that has been around for thousands of years – is proudly on display through large windows from the taproom. The bar is the obvious feature of the room, with a flamed granite countertop and bar front finished in hand-glazed ceramic tiles. The gold chairs that sit alongside the long tables were selected for their practicality and comfort but chosen in a finish that adds polish to the room and complements the golden hue of the brew. The board and batten paneling and polished concrete floor details finish the space with interesting, utilitarian materials.
Completed September 2018, Calgary, Alberta | Client: Northam Beverages | www.legend7brewing.com